
Saturday, 9 July 2011

Swept away by time ....

Well goodness me, I do apologise, I didn't realise I had been away for so long :-(  Time really does seem to be going incredibly fast and I can't keep up.  I thought I would do a little catch up with what we have been up to in the Sweetpea household.

Well as you will see above I have turned my cute little crochet hearts into bunting for my bookcase, I popped some beads on the end of the bunting too for a finishing touch.  In fact I loved this bunting so much I made some for my friend's little girls first birthday a couple of weeks back :-)

We have also been strawberry picking a few times , here are some that are from a local farm and also eldest Sweetpeas patch.

Of course that meant we had to have some scones and cream with them as well as jam.  I made the scones without raisins in them as eldest sweetpea hates them for some reason.  This all lead to a picnic in the garden :-)

My friends have been rather busy too over the last few weeks so little Sweetpea has had the pleasure of some playmates coming round whilst their mummies are busy bees.  Here is little Sweetpea with her mad hair and one of her best friends James.  I just loved how they held hands on the way home.

And then we had little Sweetpeas other best mate round that week too,  this is the gorgeous Bear, is he going to melt hearts or what!

They had a lot of giggles.....

Then Bear had to sit and watch one of little Sweetpeas dance routines lol..... If you pop over to my friend's blog here you will see piccies of Bear and Sweetpea Strawberry picking, excuse the photo of me in my scruffy clothes :-)

In the garden Scented Sweetpeas have been flowering, oohhh one of my fav flowers, I love cutting them and bringing them into the house.  They don't seem as prolific as previous years but we still had enough to receive 2nd prize in our local Gala competition.

Talking of the Gala, I spent many an hour last week down the local Strawberry farm helping to create our Cubs gala float.  Middle Sweetpea is the only one left in cubs of my brood at the moment and the only girl in the group - she always was a tomboy :-)  We had to create a float with the theme of Dennis the Menace as it was his 60th Birthday this year.  I had great fun creating bunting for the whole float - Helen (Bear's Mum mentioned above) also came to help.

One of my friends dressed up as Minnie the Minx, we all thought she looked rather fetching in her red wig :-)  She seemed to enjoy that role far too much lol.  Middle Sweetpea was also a Minnie the Minx.

I also went into pre-school and helped the kiddies create items for their float too.  It is a shame more parents don't help as although I found it very tiring with all the extra things to do last week it certainly was a lot of fun :-)  Unfortunately poor little Sweetpea couldn't go on the pre-school float after all as after going to do some more work on the Float the other friday she became sick and was sick from lunchtime that day until early evening on Saturday - it wasn't much fun taking her around the Gala (she didn't want to stay home with her nanny as she didn't want to miss the fun) with a bowl poor thing.

Whilst there Middle and Eldest Sweetpea joined the fun run (why on earth is it called a fun run - can't see anything fun about it myself lol).  I was really proud of them as Middle Sweetpea came 2nd and Eldest Sweetpea came 9th in their groups - goodness knows who they take after as I run like Phoebe out of Friends!

Before I go I just wanted to say a thank you to the lovely Harmony and Rosie.  A long time ago I took part in something called PIF, in fact I think I took part in it twice.  Well I posted off a few parcels as a random surprise for people and then when I returned from holiday recently I was greeted with a surprise package.  'Oooohh what could it be' I thought to myself, on opening it I found a gorgeously soft crocheted cuff and a very cute notepad with birdies all over it, they were all wrapped up in some lovely blue tissue paper.  Thanks very much Harmony and Rosie.

Also thank you for all your comments, although I can't comment quite as often as I used to I am really enjoying catching up reading all your blogs and also reading your comments here.  Take care. xxx


  1. you have been busy, i love your crochet garlands and those strawberries look so scrummy, your children look adorable, well done on the sweet peas...enjoy xxxx

  2. The photos and story here are cute; I like that little toy pony your daughter's friend is riding.

  3. Busy, busy, busy! Lovely to hear what you've been up to, lots of fun!

  4. Goodness you have been busy, I wish there were more hours in the day, everything looks wonderful, well worth the effort :)
    Sue Xxx

  5. Looks like you've all been having lots of fun. I love your crochet bunting, something I haven't tried making yet. Congratulations on your 2nd prize for your sweetpeas, I never got round to planting any this year. Hope Little Sweetpea is better now.

  6. Hiya!!
    Glad to read a great post, you really have been busy!! it really is a busy time at the minute with everything at school going on!! A great time for the children though.
    Ilove your crochet bunting and the pic of Little Sweetpea holding hands with her friend is just lovely, I adore moments like that, they are precious.
    Enjoy your weekend,
    Love Andrea x

  7. Well I can see you really were busy, I'm just off to check you out in your scruffy clothes!! Glad you like your PIF, I'd forgotten too (oops).

    Kate xx

    PS - I can see your avatar picture on your wall

  8. You have been very busy, I'm sure no-one minds that you have time away from the blog every now and then - how else would we get all the crafting done! I love the photo of little Sweetpea and her friend holding hands, they look so sweet! Bear is definitely a cutie too! I'm jealous of all those strawberries, our are still green here! Congratulations to the older sweetpeas for doing so well in their races. :) x

  9. You've been a busy bee! I love your crocheted garland so much!!! I have also wondered why more parents don't help out in school, it's sad really. Take care!

  10. thanks for your lovely comment on my last post - much appreciated and a pleasure to share!
    I LOVE your heart bunting - FAB!!

    BH x

  11. I watched that episode of Friends this evening,it's hilarious! That photo of the strawberries is beautiful and would make a lovely greeting card. Maybe you should print some! X


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