
Friday, 24 June 2011

Chickens and Tandems ....

Well two of the girls got re-homed recently.  These cute little chicks are now growing into lovely little ladies so we took 2 to our grandparents the other week.

My gorgeous Grandad Pete (the Sweetpeas Smashing Super Great Grandad) has recently had a hip op.  It hasn't been easy for him getting used to the fact that he can't go skiing down the black runs any more so I thought the chickens would be a great distraction.  My Nan Glynn has always been maternal so she can mother them whilst Grandad looks after them :-)

Daisy and Gert as they are now called settled in really well and had a potter around the garden ....

They said hello to the gnomes and pecked around the apple trees ......

Before snuggling up in their new home, grandad even cut some lino for their bedding area, what posh chickens they are lol (it was really to make it easier for him to clean them out but I have never heard of chickens having  a nice kitchen floor before :-)).  As I left them Grandad had popped out to check them several times and Nan was cutting up little bits of food for them, I think these chickens are going to have a very happy life :-)  We are all hoping that Gert doesn't turn into Bert as it is rather hard to tell at this age but we have another girl at home if that happens

We have also recently been to my Nan & Grandads to pick up their old tandem.  oohh this has some very happy memories attached to it, we have photos of my parents biking off on this on their wedding day in full wedding gear and I fondly remember my aunties sitting on the front and back seats whilst me and my sister sat on pillows which were tied to the cross bars :-)

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and thanks for all your lovely comments which always make me smile :-) xxxx


  1. Spoilt chucks indeed! And what a find the tandem is - are you going to restore and use?

  2. Ah, happy hens indeed. Love the hen house - where is it from? I'm gagging to get some hens and that looks like it could be the solution to my not-so-big-garden issue!
    Emily x

  3. We love seeing the tandems around town. Cambridge really is unique in its biking habits-unicycles, tandems, kangaroos, tricycles and lie-down-type-affairs are all seen on a regular basis. Hope to seee you and the Mr sometime, biking round the Backs for a pint at a riverside pub... Am quite envious of the chooks. They really have landed on their feet. Ax

  4. You can see they are going to be thoroughly spoit chickens! What a great idea to line the coup with lino - think I might try this with ours too.
    Such a beautiful tandem bike. I love the idea of you all sat together on it - any photos?
    Becky x

  5. Awww bless them, they are going to have a good life. Just wish we had room for chickens. Loving the tandem....very romantic.
    Emma x

  6. That is so sweet, It is so lively to know they are going to a loving home where they will be spoilt. I love the tandem as well xxx

  7. They are going to be very spoilt chooks. It's nice to know that they're going to such a lovely new home, and I love their names.

  8. so the next photo will be you on the tandem?

  9. Those chickens are very lucky! Hubby is really keen on having some chickens and they would reduce the egg bill (mainly due to 3 teenagers!)but I am a little concerned about how noisy they would be, and also whether the cats would leave them in peace.

  10. Oh, what precious photos of your granddad and the chicks! That bicycle looks FUN!

  11. They are going to be some very spoilt and happy chickens indeed! They've grown up from cute little chicks so quickly. The tandem bike looks great fun to ride, I've always wanted to try out a tandem bike, maybe we'll try one day! How did your aunties manage to keep it up right with you and your sister sitting on the cross bars?! Hope you had a lovely weekend! :) x

  12. I loved the photo of your grandad and the chickens! And the tandem - will you use it one day? We are always singing 'Daisy Daisy' here since Daisy Dot arrived so I'm often thinking of 'bicycles made for two' at the moment! Enjoy your summer days with the sweetpeas.
    Helen x

  13. Those chickens are going to have a fantastic life, next it will be porridge during the winter months lol :) Love the tandem xx


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