
Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Pimped up Plimsolls

Some time ago I bought some lovely plimsolls .....

in fact, lets be honest here, I bought two pairs (they were a bargain that couldn't be missed) .

Whilst looking down at my new shoes (which always makes that fab Paolo Nutini track pop into my head :-) ) whilst walking around the wonderful Cambridge market I stated to ponder ..... I do love to ponder .....

I pondered on how lovely it would be to pimp on my new plimsolls to make them a bit brighter.  This lead me to buy some gorgeously bright and cheerful bias binding from The Little Fabric Stall on the market .  You know how it is, it just fell into my bag as I walked past the stall ;-)

I am rather loving them ..... yep they may be a bit clown like but they make me smile.

Go on, pimp up your plimsolls, you know you want to :-)

1) Measure the length of your current laces and cut the bias binding to this length.  Now snip the edges off each corner of each end.

2) Fold the ends down so when you fold the bias in half it is hidden inside.

3) Fold the bias binding in half and pin in place. You will have to hold the ends down as you sew, be careful of your fingers.

4) Sew along one side and then the other the full length of the laces.

Voila !  Pimped up plimsolls :-)  This would also work with ribbon or maybe lace :-)

PS do feel free to leave a comment, I don't bite honest :-)


  1. Ooohh how FAB,love 'em, but of course now we want to know where your pumps were purchased from!!! Love the Paulo Nutini track too,
    Great Stuff
    Sue xx

  2. Those are brilliant! I love plimsolls and they are even more fabulous with your great idea. xxxx

  3. Brilliant! I love happy shoes. And polka dots. Beautifully done!

  4. Your style and passion for blogging is contagious. Thank you for sharing this way!


Thank you for spending the time leaving a comment, it really does make me smile :-)