
Thursday, 7 February 2013

2012 Round Up

It seems like ages since I have blogged and how I miss this little area of mine.  To get myself back into blogging I thought I would do a photo collage round up of 2012.  I think part of the reason I am finding it hard to blog is not only time but also the fact that I have so much to share I am not sure where to start.  I think if I summarise 2012 in photos that leave me feeling free to start afresh for 2013 :-)

January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
So there is the first four months, the rest of the months to follow over the next few days.  I hope you are all well out there in Bloggy Land.  I will be back soon :-) x


  1. i love your monthly photographs...its a good way to catch taking part in 52 weeks of happy...thats my way of keeping track on the best bits throughout this year, hopefully...really want to set a 'making' goal too ;0) ive missed your postings xx

    1. ooops ive posted comment from beig blogged in old blog, its kazzy by the way 'country rabbit' ;0)x

    2. I know who you are Kazzy by either name, I have missed blog land too - will try and get back to read and write blogs more often x

  2. Welcome back... I've missed you :) love the photo collages... life really is busy!

  3. Good to see you back :-). And I've scrolled down to your pumpkins, dunno how I missed that post at the time but they look amazing!

  4. Hello and welcome back. Xxx

  5. Love the little photo montages....very sweet x

  6. lovely photography full of fun happy memories x


Thank you for spending the time leaving a comment, it really does make me smile :-)