
Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Little Sweetpea turns 4!

I can hardly believe it, little Sweetpea is now 4 years old.  It only seems like yesterday she was using my ribs as her own personal exercise machine (oohh she was a good kicker!) and now she is 4.  It is not only me that is shocked by how quickly time is flying by, she got several cards with 3 on them and that made Mr Sweetpea and me make sure that she really was 4 :-)    I still remember so vividly this precious moment in time just hours after she was born ....
So what cake did my little princess ask for this year, well this time round it was a sweetie bag.  I thought it would be easy to create but it wasn't as easy as I thought.

It came out OK and the Sweetpeas had great fun getting the pick and mix sweets to fill it with :-)  I got slightly stressed when making this - well to be fair I was stressed about several things that week - my own fault for trying to make too many things whilst also helping at pre-school.  One of the reasons I got stressed is that I had to make it when all the little ones were awake and wanting to help as I had to complete a pressie whilst they slept.

Eldest Sweetpea made a mini version from the left over icing and sponge - I like his better than mine - so cute!

oohh and this is the other reason I was slightly stressy, when I put a jar slightly heavy handed on the shelf  ..... this happened  .... yep the whole shelf fell down!  Eldest Sweetpea whisked everyone out of the kitchen at this point saying that he thought I was getting rather angry - bad mummy moment :-(  I blame the full moon and my hubbys horrid shift work which meant he wasn't coming back until late every night :-(

All the stress was worth it seeing her blow out her candles and her big smiley face when the cake was all light  up.

She got some lovely gifts from her friends, grandparents and auntie.  I thought I would photograph them all so she can look back at them when she is older.  Loving the flamenco outfit!

She also got a new furniture set for her house which her and her Auntie played with (not sure who is having more fun here lol).  Auntie Sweetpea got her a ladybird money box, a labybird wand and also a trip to the Zoo which they all really enjoyed.

We got her a wheelbarrow as little Sweetpea loves the garden.  She has been collecting leaves in it already.

I also made her a nature satchel which I will share more photos with you next time as I want to photograph some other lovely handmade gifts she received.

As I couldn't muster the energy to throw a full on party for little Sweetpea this year we took cakes to each of the groups she goes to during the week.  I batch baked a lot of cupcakes last week and froze some ready for icing the day before we went. 

Middle and little Sweetpea loved decorating them, not sure how many cakes actually managed to leave the house :-)

Oh little Sweetpea how I love you so.  You have only just started sleeping through but I still love you with all my heart even after all the sleep deprivation.  You have made me laugh and smile each and every day since you were born.  I hope you grow up to love life as much as you do now , even when you are as big as the clouds :-) xxx


  1. OH HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS GIRL! She really is adorable, and the cake is divine! Must admit that I am a bit jealous of the flamenco outfit, I have always wanted one! lol xx

  2. happy birthday to gorrrrgeous little sweetpea, happy birthday !!!!! awwwww cant believe that little bundle of loveliness has turned four already!!!! i dont like them growing up! hehe
    wish they could stay this lovely age forever!!!!
    i love all your family photos and that wonderful cakey- precious moments my sweet xxxxx

  3. Happy Birthday to your little girl ~ it looks like she had a fantastic day, and that cake looks super too! :O)xx

  4. lovely pictures (and nice to hear of other children still not sleeping through at 4!)
    I think taking cakes to all social occasions rather than a party is a slendid idea...and everyone loves when a birthday lasts a week!
    fee x

  5. Happy Birthday Litle Sweetpea! such lovely pics and some great pressies, love the wheelbarrow. Gabs has the dolls house and still loves it now at 7 as do I at a little more than 7!!
    Your cake looks great as they always do!
    Have a lovely week,
    Love Andrea x

  6. oh you did have a busy week, at least you still have all your hair and little sweetpea did have a great time x pss and the cakes were yummy too xx

  7. Happy birthday to your little sweetpea! I love the picture of her with her wheelbarrow! My parents have one very similar of me at that age :)

  8. Awwwww - happy, happy birthday to your smallest sweetpea.

    Both cakes look amazing - they wouldn't of lasted two minutes in our house.

    take care - it'll be me in a couple of weeks getting all stressed out.

    Nina x

  9. Happy Birthday to little Sweetpea - so lovely! The cake is brill too and looks like she received lovely pressies. You're right...time FLIES way to fast at the moment!

  10. Lots of birthday wishes to the special little lady. Sweety bag as cake, she is genius!

    When things break in my sisters house the kids call it 'code red' and run, tis so funny. Lolo xx

  11. Amazing cake, my four year old had a party last week, I'm with you on how frustrating *helping can be!!!
    But sweet all the same!

  12. Happy Birthday little Sweetpea. Love your cake.

  13. Happy birthday to Little Sweetpea. The cake is wonderful, and so is Eldest Sweetpea's version. What lovely presents she received too. Time flies, I can't believe mine are both teenagers now.

  14. Happy birthday to your lovely little Sweetpea! How adorable she looks in those lovely photos, and the wheelbarrow will bring her hours of fun! Your cake is amazing, what a great idea...all those sweeties to fill it too, making it extra appealing to the children. Have a happy week.
    Helen x

  15. Happy Birthday to little Sweetpea! You have had a busy time but great fun too (well except for the shelf). Brilliant birthday cakes - well done to both of you! Love the idea of taking a photo of all the presents, wish I had thought of that when mine were young.

  16. Happy Birthday Little Sweetpea. She looks so happy.


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