Thursday, 16 June 2011

Who stole time ...............?

Thanks so much for all your comments on my last post, I am glad you all loved my crochet hearts :-)  Some of you wondered what yarn I used, I used several but mainly Patons Cotton Twist which has a lovely texture to it and is a pretty good price :-)

This week has been quite emotional in the Sweetpea household as our eldest child has been to College for two induction days.   As he is one of the youngest in his year and our oldest child it has been quite a wrench :-(  Above is a photo of him the day he was born with Mr Sweetpea, just how has 10 years 10 months gone past so quickly, it only seems like yesterday that photo was taken!

Helping Daddy make him a new bedroom when his sister arrived :-)
He had a couple of nights beforehand of finding it hard to get to sleep so that made it hard for me to sleep as I was worrying about him worrying :-(

The day came and he seemed fine, a little nervous but I sat with him and watched some science programmes on tv (his fav) so that seemed to distract him.  He had to go on a bus to college as it is a couple of villages away, I was fighting back the tears as it drove past (we looked out at it from our house as of course it is rather uncool for Mum & Dad to take you to the bus stop :-)) .  It looked like he went to wave and then decided that was not cool and put his hand through his hair instead lol (he insists he did wave and this wasn't the case :-)).

A nature lover from the start, here he is with a 'pet' snail :-)

He really enjoyed his first day , made new friends, wasn't phased by it being such a huge place.

With nanny (my Mum) at a 60s/70s fancy dress party.

The second day was harder work as they did sports all day and he did have an encounter with a couple of feisty boys but he seems to have taken that in his stride.

I just can't understand how he has gone from being this little 4 year old above to a College lad, they really do grow up in the blink of an eye.

I just hope he still loves cuddling up with me, chatting to me (sometimes non stop) and still loves his nature for a few years yet ... oh how I love this boy. 

To tell you the truth I will be glad when this week is over , Mr Sweetpea has been on a late shift, we have had college and the usual clubs plus little Sweetpea has been a bit full on and not wanting to go to bed until 9pm - I am shattered!

Hope you are all having a fab week. xxx

Edit - he just called me up the garden to help him save a baby blackbird  who got stuck in his strawberry net so the nature loving boy is still there , oh and he resuscitated his gold fish the other day - never have I seen a fish be bought back to life - this kid has talent lol :-)


  1. We have a rule - no blinking as every time you do they grow that little bit more!
    Hope he settles in quickly

  2. proud mummy- i bet you are- what a lovely lad- no wonder he's a smashing son he was made by you after all ;0)xxxx bless him and his new chapter and yours- best wishes to all the sweetpeas- especially you and the mr on late shifts with child and work x

    p.s love your crochet too x

  3. He will be fine I'm sure and if he can set off and not wave then you have done your job well after all it is a mother's job to make our children independent isn't it?! My baby is in Australia just now and flying off to I know not where to some job in a hotel - the years sure do fly by!

  4. He's going to be a vet, then! Oh, and by the way, Mr Sweetpea looks about 15 in that photo - far too young to be a dad!!!

  5. Oh my - I can feel myself welling up for our young man and I've still got a few years to go yet.

    Nina :) xxx

  6. Such a sweet post, hope he settles in and makes lots of new friends, sure he will, but it must be hard watching them take that next step! Hope you have a slightly more relaxing weekend xxx

  7. He looks a lovely lad! Sounds like he's coped well with the induction days. These milestones are hard for adults though aren't they? We've got 3 grown up daughters, but I remember the starting school / going to High School / going on Gap year / going to Uni years well. You think it's all calmed down, then our middle one went off to Botswana for 2 yrs! (mind you, we did visit which was fantastic!) and the youngest to Thailand and Australia! Have a good weekend. Abby x

  8. Oh bless you all! He will be fine I am sure but it is soooo hard when they are your own babies!

  9. Gulp. Thinking of you x x x x

  10. Love that first picture - we have some of MrVV & big son where big son fits on MrVV's lap. Looking at him now (at over 6 foot) its hard to think he was ever that tiny :)

    We have a 3 tier system here and little son is off to High School in September - scares me how quickly time passes. Doesn't seem yesterday we were thinking about his first day in Reception.

  11. Poor mum - its worse for you than him! He sounds like a real sweetheart. I hope all goes well for him- time does fly so quickly. xxxxx

  12. Oh it's hard isn't it? Every day I watch my boy walk into a huge school with his big rucksack, shiny shoes and head down and it makes me ache a little. I do understand. He's finding his way through life which is good but he'll always be your baby boy.


  13. Each step is so special... and it's great you are savouring it so much....

  14. I hate it when mine move up, I have one moving on up this year, however, after 19 years of being a parent to school children, I am now beginning to look forward to getting out of the system :) only 2 more compulsory years!!!

  15. The time really does go so ridiculously quickly, and every step forward and outward for our children involves that bittersweet letting-go for us mamas. How beautiful that you caught glimpse of that sweet nature-loving lil' guy in your now not-so-little guy.


  16. Hope everything goes well for him at college, it must be quite hard for your eldest to be moving up! :) x

  17. I hope your lovely boy is settling in ok. It's hard to see them grow up and especially passing a special milestone like this one. Hope you are settling into the new routine now too. Have a happy week.
    Helen x

  18. He sounds a lovely lad, it is so hard letting them grow away from us, is't it? Twiglet is only 6 but the last 6 years have zoomed by far too quickly.
    Have a good week.
    Twiggy x

  19. How lovely - he will steal a special heart one day!!!

  20. Everything will be fine! you will soon be proud of him for so many new and exciting things!
    Have a happy week, us here in blogland will think of you,
    Andrea x


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