
Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Random goodness ....

Wow it seems like ages since I have been able to post a blog :-(  Time seems to be rushing by and I can't seem to slow it down!  

So what have I been up to ???  I am still in my tidying/de-cluttering mood so the ribbons were the next to get it :-)  I bought some pegs for the washing but then thought they would be great for storing my ribbons on, I rather like them wrapped around their little wooden pegs ...

I have been to a WI jumble sale with my mate Bear's Footprints ... wow what an experience !  She did warn me it would be packed but I didn't believe her until I drove up there and found a rather large queue.  When I got in there I had to literally be pulled into the crowd by Bear's Footprints  to see the clothes etc.  I came out with several bits including some lace curtain, a woolly jumper and some cord trousers all for about 40p each - bargain :-)

I also popped to a charity shop in Bury St Edmunds called Open Door, that place is like Aladdin's cave full of treasures - I spent hours in there (much to Mr Sweetpeas dismay lol).

I am going to felt these jumpers and will let you know the result.  I also got some more lovely ladybird books for my collection - ooh these take me back in time ...

I fell in love with these vintage curtains, love the colour and pattern.

We have been watching a little field vole (or mouse) feed under our bird feeder, a whole family sometimes arrives, they are so cute!

I have been buying hellebores for my collection and planting them up, a local nursery sells them for around £2 - yey!  How I love these flowers, they are like jewellery with their gorgeous flower heads.

I have been planting up primroses for my windowsill and popping dafs in vases - if I can't have sunshine naturally I will make it in my house instead :-)
I accidentally made the most humongous cake the other day .... it was meant to be a little sponge cake as I had an urge for a cream cake but then the cake tin was tool large so I had to make two large layers and this is the result!  Mind you we still managed to eat it all :-)

I have also painted this door in our room and the window etc with cream paint.  I painted them yellow and long time ago and have grown out of that colour now, mind you I do miss it a bit.

Oh and I have been creating more hairclips , I had a lovely large order for daisy clips so have been busy making them up and other new ones.


Phew, I think that is it for now!  I hope you have all had a fab few weeks.  I better be off as this bloomin blog post has taken me ages and now little sweetpea is getting rather annoyed with me and she wants to plant up some cosmos and marigolds .... now I feel guilty!  Motherhood hey!


  1. Lovely to get up to date with your doings. You certainly have got some bargains at the WI and CS. Your flowers on the window sill are a real breath of spring aren't they. Good luck with the planting!


  2. Your blog may have been quiet, but YOU clearly were *not* quiet! Lovely things you've had going on! The flowers make me smile. We're still living in a snow covered land...just dreaming of flowers.

  3. Gosh you have been a busy bee!

    Love that fabric, it's gorgeous. It's ages since I've been to a jumble sale. I spent a lot of my teenage years in them! There used to always be a small group of 'serious jumble salers' at the front of the queue when the doors opened and they would barge their way in, beating people out the way! Vicious I tell you!


    PS. Really rather love your yellow door!

  4. Wow you have been busy, what a yummy looking cake. I'd love to know which nursery you visited for those Hellebores, I've fallen in love with this plant quite recently. x

  5. WOW, you have been busy... When I was little sweetpeas age our neighbour had a yellow front door, It was so bright and cheery, I have never forgotten it,
    Sue :D

  6. Wow, busy bee, that's you! Jumbles are great, aren't they? Love heelebores too - they're so welcome just now X

  7. Goodness, what a lot of things you've been doing! I loved seeing all your pictures and hearing what you've been up to. You've found some lovely things, and the cake looks deeelicious. Think you're right to paint the yellow door cream ;-)!! (Even though it looked bright and sunny!) And pegs to store ribbons on - now that's a great idea!
    Have a lovely week, hope you get lots planted with little sweetpea. Helen x

  8. Yummy cake !! It looks divine. Great bargain finds, I love the ladybird books, I still have a few left that were mine as a child. Isla also gets a bit uppity when I do a post, as soon as I open the laptop she puts her hands over the screen and says " no mummys laptop ". How to make mummy fel bad !
    Enjoy your cake if it hasn't gone already. xx

  9. so thats the cake wow, i see what you mean.
    what a very sweet visiter you have in your garden. about the door yellow is not too bad our shed door is yellow brings an extra bit os sunshine x

  10. Wow, no wonder you haven't had time to blog! What a great idea for storing ribbons. I love your clips, and I especially love the voles!!!

  11. mmmmmmmmmmm - cake and hellebores - two of my favourite things! Good luck with the rest of your de-cluttering
    Emily x

  12. Wow, you've been so busy, although I guess that's not new, you're always doing something fun! I love Hellebores, such elegant flowers and the mouse is so sweet, I love that the whole family come to visit! I need to get some daffs here, need to be reminded it's spring as we had snow here again today. Well done on your jumble sale finds, what are you going to make with the jumpers once they're felted? I have a couple of felted pieces to play with as well. The clips look great, glad your business is going so well. I need to get round to blogging properly again and update my facebook page more often, just getting quite tired at the moment! :) xx

  13. you have been busy, busy, busy - I am enchanted by the picture of the vole, absoultely wonderful. xxx

  14. That's a great price for hellebores, they're such lovely flowers. What a cake, it still wouldn't last long in our house though no matter what size it was.

  15. Lovely photos, Im mad about ribbons and remember Ladybird books with great fondness.


  16. What a lot of stuff going on! Don't know what to comment on most, so will just agree with you about the fabric on those vintage curtains. Yum! Jacs x

  17. Love the massive cake!!!! Your clips are gorgeous and the flowers have lifted my spirits!! Thank you


  18. You have been busy!!! I like the idea of storing ribbon around the pegs. The little vole (mouse) furry creature is really sweet. He must be very timid to come out and get the food like that. I can't remember where my hare cross-stitch pattern came from. I did it a while ago from one of my many cross-stitch magazines!

  19. Hello-ello. That's a nice cheery post! Love love that curtain fabric, what a fab dress that would make! Brilliant to hear the orders are piling in for your gorgeous slides, mind you I'm surprised in the least!! x

  20. Oh dear, sorry but thank goodness I re-read my comment. What I meant to say was 'I'm NOT surprised in the least'!! (Blushing)

  21. That is a very lovely little creature you snapped there.

  22. Wow you have been busy! £2 for a hellebore, that's unbelievable! I love the curtains that you found and the vole is just so sweet, I would be watching him all the time.

  23. love the ladybird books and the little mouse is so cute x


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