
Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Spring Time Swap

Just a quick bloggy post , I have just signed up for my first ever organised bloggy swap, how exciting and scary all at the same time :-)  It is being organised by Sew Special Bears and the deadline for entering is the end of today so if you want to enter pop over to hers now.

Oohh this swap is just what I needed on a grey rainy day like today - roll on Spring !



  1. I've signed up, it looks like a really cheery swap :) Sue x

  2. I don't have time for this swap unfortunately, but looking forward to seeing what is sent and received! :) x

  3. I've already signed up for that one. Wonder if we'll be matched?

  4. I signed up just in the nick of time. Im very much looking forward to the spring one, the valentines bloggy love one was wonderful x

  5. Sounds lovely :0) Can't wait for spring!! Nearly there with the Chest of drawers.... ;0)

    Hugs, M xx

  6. Sounds like fun....cannot wait to see what is swapped;)
    Spring is coming closer...just not fast enough!

  7. Just found your blog - it is lovely. Have you popped into Attic 24. I learnt to crochet this year and Lucy in the attic really does give clear instructions. Everything I have learnt I got from her. Her work is inspirational too.

  8. Thank you for your messages ive been away in cornwalll just got back from train journey- i will pick up your delivery from PO tomorrow looking forward to it ;0) xxxxxx

  9. Ive signed up too, it loooks lovely!


  10. Hi there Spring Swap Partner! I'm looking forward to reading your blog to get to know you a little better! Love Kathy xxx

  11. You will love swapping and be addicted before you know it!

  12. I've never taken part in a swap before. I'll watch this one with interest and maybe sign up for the next.

  13. Oh I love swaps...and you have nothing to worry about! it is so much fun....just be sure to enjoy whatever you put together!

    today was grey and dull here too....but it's really amazing how blogland is always sunny and happy!

    I'm your newest follower! Do come by...I'd love for you to visit with me!

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina


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