
Friday, 18 February 2011

Sad week in the Sweetpea Household

Thanks for all your lovely comments on my last blog post and well wishes for Skibby.  Sadly I had to call my Dad over to put poor Skibby to sleep last night.  His breathing became very laboured and he was sick and wailed a few times so was obviously really scared :-(   It was a hard telephone call to make but I really couldn't see him die slowly in front of me, it just wasn't fair.  Dad came over and agreed that he was leaving us but it could have taken hours if not days for him to pass away.   I felt sorry for my Dad, it must be hard to have to put your childrens pets to sleep, I remember begging him to do something for our last pet Ernie when in my heart I knew it was too late - poor Dad had to tell me gently that nothing could be done.  Mum was fantastic taking the children out of the way until they could come back and give Skibby another kiss goodbye.  Poor Mr Sweetpea was at work so didn't get to say goodbye :-(

It is strange without him in the house, although he didn't really do much more than sit on a chair snoozing his presence is missed :-(  It was also really weird not hearing him meow constantly when Mr Sweetpea got home from work today as he used to ask him for dinner as soon as he walked in from work.  The dogs Charlie and Ted miss him too, they used to be great mates.

Middle Sweetpea was particularly upset and little Sweetpea wanted me to make her a magic wand so she could make him better.  He is now laying next to our dog Ernie in the garden and he has a little letter with him written from middle Sweetpea so he has company.

We also lost our lovely brown chicken shown above yesterday too.  That is so strange as she had a lovely day in the garden a few days back so really can't understand why she suddenly died :-(

Well I am off for a nice big glass of wine now, what a week!



  1. Oh, you poor things, two friends in one week, big hugs, Sue Xx

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry - hugs to all Sweetpeas big and small.

  3. Oh what a very sad time for you, sending lots of hugs. I know how much I would miss one of my kitties. Lolo xx

  4. Oh no, how sad, big *hugs* to you all.
    Love Em xxxxxx

  5. What a shame. Poor Skibby, but you gave him the last kindness at the end. Cats never last as long as they should. And the poor chicken too! Hugs to all.

  6. Sending you love at this very hard time. You must be feeling in terrible pain! love Annie xx

  7. it's always sad when you lose a trusted friend, sending hugs to you all

  8. So sorry about Skibby.Losing a pet is never easy.Hugs

  9. Oh, I'm so sorry. It is so hard to make decisions like that.
    T x

  10. So sorry for you, we are still mourning our black lab that died last april I keep waiting to hear him, they really steal your hearts don't they.jennyxxx

  11. That's so very sad, but at least now he will be in peace. Hugs to you all x

  12. So sorry for your losses - skibby in particular would have known how much he was loved and sensed you were helping him. Blessings to his little soul.

  13. Hugs to you all...what a terrible week you've had :(

  14. Oh poor Skibby - poor you too of course and I know how much you will all miss him and little Brown Hen too. Been there got the T-shirt more than once and know how horrid it is. How great that your Dad could do the deed at home and no journeys to the vet's surgery were required though. Take care and my thoughts are with you.

  15. A big hug for you and your family. xxx

  16. Poor you, what a week - sending hugs!!

  17. Oh, poor you - what a horrid week. It's harder as a parent too when these things happen - you're upset yourself, then have to reassure the little ones. look after yourself X

  18. :-( So , so sad. All pets break your heart in the end but you just have to remember all the times they made you happy. So sorry for you all, a Big virtual hug, Nic xx

  19. Aw, that's so sad. Pets just don't live long enough do they and yet they share our lives in a way that even our closest friends can't. You don't realise what a big part they play in your life until they are suddenly not there too. Be gentle on yourself, it will take time to adjust to this. xxxxxxxx

  20. awwww blesss you all and the sweet peas ;0(
    im sooooo sorry to hear that- the loss of a beloved part of the family- my heart goes out to you all xxxxxx best wishes xxxxxx

    p.s please let me the know that the illustration arrived safely...hope it bought a smile ;0)x

  21. What sad news. Sending love and best wishes to you all.

  22. Sad news indeed. Hope the little ones don't stay sad too long.

  23. So sorry for all of you. It's such hard thing when a pet goes.

  24. So sorry. Sending love to you all xx

  25. Sorry to hear that skibby passed away. It must of been comforting for him though to pass away at home and with you all nearby. What a shame about the hen, sending you all a cyber hug and love.
    Justine x

  26. I'm so sorry for your losses. Having your dad help Skibby on his way must have been a comfort though. It's so hard to lose much loved pets but I'm sure you will have some wonderful memories.

  27. I was so sorry to hear this very sad news. Poor Skibby - but no more pain for him now and you were able to give him peace and comfort at the end as well as a happy life for many years. Love to you and all the sweetpeas. Helen x

  28. Poor Skibby, hugs to you and the sweetpeas, it's horrible when you have to say goodbye to pets, unfortunately they just don't live long enough. xx

  29. Thinking of you all at this sad time....they give their love unconditionally and it is weird when they are not there anymore.....hugs to you all xxxxxxxxxx

  30. You must be hurting so much,sending you big hugs Pat

  31. So sorry you have lost not just one but two companions, how sad. I'm a mad cat lady who gets absolutely besotted with my cats so it's always upsetting to hear when someone else's has reached the end of his or her life, so much better to be out of distress though for Skibby. Hope you are able to have some nice family time together, lots of love xxxx

  32. So sorry to hear of your sadness. Hugs and love coming your way xxxx

  33. So sorry to hear about Skibby, but you know you did the right thing. Its horrible to lose a pet, especially when they have been with you for so long.

    love to you all, Helenxx

  34. So sorry for your losses, sending lots of love and hugs to all of you.
    Of course I don't mind you joining in with the love idea and I think the linking up idea is fab. Do you have any idea how to do it though because I don't lol!

    B xxx

  35. I'm so sorry for your loss. As you know, we lost our 16-year-old cat recently, and it is so hard. Especially coming home and not seeing her there to greet us at the door.

  36. You poor sweetpeas, you really are going through it at the moment. Poor Skibby too, but at 18 he was a very old man and clearly had a very rich life which is something good to remember. I hope you all bounce back quickly. Sending you love xxx

  37. Oh Sadness :( Much love to you all x Jacs x

  38. Poor Skibby - it's horrible to lose a pet. I've lost 3 Labrador's. They all had such different characters and were a huge part of my life. It is like losing a member of your family. I feel for all you Sweetpeas and for Charlie & Ted, who will miss their companion.
    Jill x

  39. So sorry to hear your news, I often think that when you have children it is doubly hard when a loved pet dies because you not only feel your own sadness, but also that of your children. (((hugs))) to you all. xxx

  40. I'm so sorry to hear this. I only hope next week will be a lot nicer to you and your family. Big hugs xxx

  41. Oh I'm so sorry to hear about Skibby. So sad, but the right thing to do. Not so sure I would have had the strength to make the decision but he's not in any pain now. Big hugs to you all. Animals are the best of friends and we do miss them so when they're gone. But they're never forgotten.
    Em xxx

  42. Big hugs ((((()))) We not long ago lost a family dog, my in laws that we very much loved :0( Is so very sad when we have to say goodbye xxxx

  43. Oh, I'm so sorry. Things were looking so promising, but I guess you never know. Thinking especially of your middle sweetpea...

  44. Oh such sad news.........big big hugs to all of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  45. Oh, my heart sank when I read your post title. Poor little Skibby, I'm so sad for you all sweet.

    Take care, Hx

  46. I am so sorry. Losing a pet is no different than losing a family member.
    Hugs to you all.

  47. I have only just read this post and want to add my comment.
    So sorry to hear that your lovely old cat has had to be put to sleep, what a horrid decision to make, I am sure you have done the right thing.
    love and hugs

  48. i'm so sorry for your loss. hugs to you. <3


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