
Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Random acts of kindness and poor Skibby

Thanks for all your great comments on my last post, I hope I will master Crochet at some point.  If anyone has any good links where it has a list of both UK and American Crochet terms it would be much appreciated :-)

I have had some lovely gifts given to me recently just because someone wanted to be nice or due to a lucky giveaway win in bloggyland.  Due to this I decided I wanted to re balance my karma by making some random gifts for people :-)  I have done the PIF that was happening in bloggy land but wanted to do something more local too so I made some friends some yummy cookies just because they are lovely people.

If you fancy doing a similar thing or making yourself some cookies here is the recipe:

Mega Chip Cookies taken from the 1 dough, 50 Cookies book by Love Food.

8oz/225 g soft butter
5 oz/140g caster sugar
1 egg yolk (free range of course :-) beaten
2 tsp vanilla extract
8 oz/225 g plain flour
2 oz/55g cocoa powder
Milk choc or dark choc chips (or chunks as I used) - I popped a generous amount in.
White choc chips (or chunks as I used) - I popped a generous amount in.
Pinch of Salt

Preheat oven to 190deg C/375 deg F/Gas Mark 5
Put butter and sugar in bowl and mix together with wooden spoon.
Beat egg yolk and vanilla extract - stir into mixture.

(loving my new bowl that middle Sweetpea bought me.  I used to have a lovely retro one handed down through the family but she accidently broke it :-(  She then saw this one and bought it for me because its looks the same - how sweet)

Sift both flour, cocoa powder and salt into the bowl (it looks like a mountain!) and slowly stir into the mixture.  Before completely combined add the choc chips and then mix until thoroughly combined (I found it easier doing that bit by hand).

Line two baking trays with baking paper and then roll the cookie dough into balls and pop on the tray with a good space between them.  Pop in oven for 12 - 15 mins - take out and leave to cool before moving off the tray.

Then  try and give some away, that is the hard bit :-)  In fact the Sweetpeas couldn't understand why I was giving them all away but I did make them another batch the very next day so they didn't miss out :-)

When they were cooled I wrapped them in baking paper and then tissue paper with some string and lace to tie them up.  I love the way the looked, I was inspired by the lovely wrapping that Emma Bear Forever  used on the giveaway prize she sent me.

Just before giving these away I suddenly felt a bit shy about doing it and worried my mates might think I was more bonkers than they do already :-)  I overcame that feeling and really enjoyed doing this, I made a point of telling the recipients that they were gifts to  re-balance my karma so they don't feel they have to do anything in return.  I wish you all lived closer so I could just randomly give you some cookies!  If you are a 'live' friend reading this and suddenly find/get given some random cookies you know why :-)

I will definitely be doing this sort of thing again soon, not only is it nice for the person receiving them but it makes you feel great too - try it yourself and see what I mean. 

Poor Skibby/Biddy (as known my the little Sweetpeas)

Our poor old cat Skibby isn't too well.  His eye has suddenly really swollen up, he has had glaucoma in it for a while which can be painful but it suddenly flared up yesterday.   I have called Dad (who is a vet) today and we are taking him over this afternoon.   I am hoping he won't need putting down as he is 18 years old now so too old for an operation to take the eye out :-(  I really don't want to make that decision and know that Dad won't even suggest it unless he feels it is in Skibby's best interest. 

Hasta luego


  1. Poor Skibby, hope that things turn out ok for him! The cookie recipe looks yummy, and that sounds like a nice idea to make a PIF for real life people. I have some friends visitingon Saturday, so I might make some of these then, just need to buy chocolate and try not to eat it! :) x

  2. Loads of wishes for your Skibby - I hope all turns out well.

    take care,

    Nina xxx

  3. Poor Skibby - I can sympathise with him as for some unknown reason I have conjunctivitis today! Do hope your Dad will be able to help and if not then I am sure he has had a great life and it won't be him who suffers but you!! Again I know as have been there and got the tee shirt! Do let us know how he gets on.


  4. Oh no! Sending vast amounts of kitty mojo to poor Skibby!

  5. Oh no, poor old Skibby. It's always sad when an old friend gets ill.
    Jill x

  6. Poor Skibby, I bet he feels totally fed up. I hope things have gone ok this afternoon. 18 is a great age to get to. The cookies look delicious, I bet they were well received.

  7. ohhhh bless your poor ickle skibby- one funny thing is thats my dads nickname for me!!! how funny....i hope skibby gets the right treatment and pulls through and im sure in the meantime your making him feel loved ;0)xxxxx

    im off to the posty office tomorrow and your illustration parcel will be sent ;0)xxxx

    Love the beautiful cookies and gift wrap!

    best wishes,

    xxxxx kazzy xxxxx

  8. I hope skibby gets better. Have 3 cats myself and couldn't bear having them unwell. Hugs to you all xx

  9. poor old skibby, it does look terrible, lets hope for the best, ps the cookies were just so yummy THANKYOU x they were a great idea x

  10. Best wishes for poor Skibby - hope things turn out ok. xxx

  11. I have fingers and toes crossed for poor skibby xxx

    BH x

  12. Here's hoping that all went well for poor skibby x

  13. Hope all went ok at the vets for Skibby, it must be so hard to see him poorly like that, hope he pulls through. The cookies also look very yummy, what a nice idea to give away to friends, I'm such they were all very gratefully recieved:) It's so true, we should all make just a little more time to do something kind or generous for those around us! Have a lovely day xxx

  14. Poor Skibby...hope he improves soon. LOve your RAK idea...I'm sure they were very gratefully received!

  15. oh, how is skibby doing ? poor thing, it makes me sad to see him like that.
    Zoe, this was so sweet of you to take the time and bakeabatch of scrumptious cookies for your friends. i bet they ate every bit of them in a matter of minutes. ^-^

  16. What a nice friend you are! I bet the recipients of your cookies were thrilled to bits.

    Poor little Skibby, do hope all is well.


  17. Hope skibby gets better - it's so horrid when they're ill as we feel so helpless don't we.

  18. Aww, I'm so sorry about Skibby! Hope all goes well with him.

  19. Poor little Skibby, sending healing thoughts and blessings to his little soul, hope his little eye can be sorted out. Betty x p.s. I had a black kitty like him who was ill for a long time and got an extra 5 years happy life by seeing a homeopathic vet when all conventional treatment failed.

  20. Thank you for the kind comments on my blog. I am thinking good thoughts about your kitty.

  21. Poor Skibby - hope he gets sorted soon. Well done on making (and giving away!) the cookies - they look yummy - v kind of you.


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