
Thursday, 29 July 2010

What is in a name?

I sometimes wonder how people come up with their blog names, don't you?  There are some many wonderful blogs with great names out there how do people think them up?  I thought I would share with you how I came up with mine. 

We have been growing sweet peas for some time but last year we decided to enter them into the village gala day competition.  Little sweetpea, middle sweetpea and big sweetpea all entered some and they won 1st, 2nd and 3rd!  This year we entered them again and came 2nd and 3rd - luckily it was a friends who won first so we weren't sad that we didn't.

I love our Sweetpeas, they grow well every year and I love their lush green foliage against the vibrant colours of the flowers.  The scent in the summer sun is devine as you walk past them. 

We have some gorgeous coloured ones, here are a couple of my favourites.

I also love the way they attract bees to the garden, the flowers are literally buzzing sometimes.

And what is the secret to growing such virulent sweetpeas ...... chicken poo! :-)

How did you come up with your blog name, I would love to know?


  1. And my oh my what lovely sweetpea's they are!!!!
    i always wonder too about blog names- its lovely hearing the story behind them. love your sweet pea patch! ;0)beautiful.
    my first ever blog was in 2006 when i was expecting my sweet pea!;0) but i didnt post much and wasnt sure what i was doing! it was called 'A fairy in my tea cup'...but after another year i thought id start a new and get more into blogging as being a mother at home.
    so i thought about a new name. My sister had made me a beautiful mermaid for my birthday so i decided to name it 'A mermaids purse'...and also my love of the sea and fairy tales ;0)

    Thank you kindly for your sweet hearted comment on my blog it really did make me smile xxxx

  2. Thats a lovley story - and your photos are stunning!
    My blog is named after me, as when I first started it I wanted it to relate to my art website, which is called the same...I do like some of the names out there though, some very pretty and inspiring ones
    Love Julia x x x

  3. I love to hear how other people's blogs got their names!
    Mine was named from a card I recieved from my best friend Victoria. It had a recipe for friendship on it and I loved the words. I still have the card displayed in my craft room.

  4. Can you ship some chook poo over to my garden to help with my s-p's???
    Want to know my blogname story?...
    When I started making jewellery, BigBean called the beads magic beans. Then I happened to mention this to Silverpebble, she said it would be a great name for a blog. So when I started blogging, the name was there for me! Thank you B and E! Ax

  5. Your sweetpeas are wonderful! I've been growing them this last couple of years, but I struggle to get many flowers and the leaves often look pale and flaky and I was wondering what I was doing wrong. They obviously like lots of nutrients and I guess they're not getting many in the barrels I'm growing them in. Another good reason to get chickens!! The smell is heavenly though and I once saw a perennial sweet pea advertised in the local garden centre, but it had no scent. What's the point of that?????

    Anyway, blog names. I couldn't think of what to call my blog and so I decided that because it would be something that I'd do 'when I got the time', that would do! Wish I'd been a bit more imaginative though as there are some really clever blog names out there. Thanks for sharing yours, it's a lovely story behind the name.

  6. Love your sweetpeas, must try and remember to grow some next year. My blog name! well it is a bit boring, I started a blog with my website name 1st but kept it private, whilst I worked out how to blog! then as I wanted to keep that private, I had to choose a new name, and as I work from home it seemed appropriate to me!

  7. mmmm sweetpeas :) Love the story, thanks for sharing!

    I think my blog name is pretty self explanatory. Homegrown Naturally- unassisted childbirth, unschooling, working at home, healthy eating, holistic health care, loving nature and all things natural living.

  8. Such pretty sweetpeas... I love the red/white variety. My blog name comes from the name of my red fan which has become a bit of a trademark. The fan is on my business cards, stationary and website so it seemed natural to call my blog after it.

  9. I love sweetpeas. They are one of the prettiest flowers! My blog is named after our first dog, a black lab named Snoopy. The knits bit speaks for itself :) Have a great weekend. Ros

  10. I love sweetpeas, but I'm completely incapable of growing them. I have no idea why, but there it is.

    My blog is named after my girls' favourite teatime treat - and there are a couple of recipes for them on my blog too!

  11. Well done you hunny.....
    They are beautiful!
    Mmmmmm they smell gorrrgeous too....
    Karen x x x

  12. Sweetpeas are so pretty and that's such a nice story for a blog name.

    I really like all the little bits that get used in crafts, such as buttons, ribbons, ric rac and beads. So I named it buttons, ribbons and other things! :)

  13. At the time I was not doing any crafting so when I started I was just writing about my everyday life-hence the name!

  14. Aw I love sweet peas - they were my mums favourite flower, and remind me of her so much. Yours are lovely!!!

    My blog, and etsy shop red bird jewellery are called that because my fave colour is red, and I've got red hair, and I just liked the sound of it. Spent weeks thinking about it!!

  15. What fabulous sweet-peas and I love the title of your blog. I grow them at home in the garden and on the allotment. The problem for me is keeping up with them as they go on to produce seed pods all too quickly, even though I keep picking.
    I called my blog Allotment Heaven because that's what it feels like to me when I'm there. I completely lose track of time when I work on the plot.

  16. As someone who has just began to blog I have only recently gone through this blog name dilemma! Would I relate my blog to my adventures in nannying or to my love for cooking and green cleaning or to my thoughts on my study as a teacher? I couldn't decide and ended up with the name 'Learning to Learn' which is a combination of it all!

    Very beaitiful sweet peas by the way. Your photos remind me of spending time in my grandma's garden when I was a little girl :o)

  17. I love sweetpeas! Well my blog name is very boring! If I had known that I would end up rambling on about life in general much more than stitching, I would have chosen another name! I started my blog as a link to my shop, but I haven't promoted my shop one bit, and just ramble on and on and on, instead! Susie xxx

  18. I think your blog name is so pretty.
    I love Sweet peas too.
    I tried to think of a new name for mine, but it isn't that easy, is it?
    I ended up keeping emsshabbyshack.
    Have a lovely weekend..Em x

  19. I love your sweetpeas! My nickname is Sweetpea so it was nearly my blog name too. I've ended up enjoying Amanda Makes as it seems to cover every eventuality! I wish you lived nearer too. I could do with some friendly faces tomorrow as the forecast says rain...thankfully one of the stalls is doing coffee and cake!!! You can see where that will end up can't you? lots of love, Amanda xxx

  20. I make things from silver - I like to make pebbles out of it. Bob's your uncle!

    Many congratulations on the awards for the sweet peas. They look beautiful!

  21. Sweet peas are one of my favorite flowers, and I grow the bush variety. Your bouquets deserve their prizes. My blog name combines my first name Terra which is Latin for earth, and my love of gardening, hence Terragarden.
    I am your newest follower.

  22. Lovely idea to talk about names ..... yours is beautiful and I had imagined it to be about your children so interesting to hear where it came from! My name The Patchwork Heart is the name of my craft business. It came about as it described my crafts, I love to do patchwork and I love anything heart shaped but it also summed up a difficult time in my life. I'd separated from my 1st husband, had no money and my life was a patchwork - coping with 3 young kids, no money, financial stresses and making ends meet. Fortunately now Im happily married and life is full of roses so the name describes my crafts :)
    Heather x

  23. How wonderful- well done, they really are very pretty! Loving everyone else's title explanations too- very interesting.

    My blog is play on my children's names (flora and pearl) to represent my two favourite acitivites- gardening and knitting x

  24. Lovely name. :)
    I chose Roots and Wings based on the quote which I read at the right time, and Red Chai Mama just came to me one night. Redbush chai is my drink of choice. :)
    I have left you an award over at my blog if you come take a look :) xx

  25. I so love sweetpeas...and the scent is just divine!
    Thanks so much for visiting me...I really appreciate you taking the time to leave me a comment. My blog name is fairly self explanatory, because I love to stitch scrap and sew :) I had planned to design a blog banner around a "tic tac toe" type grid, but am not quite that clever (yet?)


Thank you for spending the time leaving a comment, it really does make me smile :-)