
Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Easter Holiday Projects Part 5 - Tissue Paper Covered Eggs

For our art project today we made tissue paper covered eggs.  I have been saving up the eggs shells from my cake making for a few weeks now, these were washed out and then glued shut again so that the kiddies can keep these eggs for as long as they want to.   I got some tissue paper out of our craft drawer and cut them into little bits.  We then used pva glue which we painted on the eggs and then stuck the tissue paper on them until we got a couple of layers. 

They all really enjoyed this activity.  Baby sweetpea wasn't so sure about sticking tissue paper to her glue and for quite some time just put more and more glue on her egg.  We managed to persuade her in the end but only when she was sitting on my knee to do it.

Then she got really stuck in :-)

Here we have the finished eggs, baby sweetpeas feather version, my butterfly one, middle sweetpeas chicken and oldest sweetpeas bumble bee complete with sting in its tail.  These were great fun to make.

Just a quick update on the poor pigeon, i am afraid he was put out of his misery last night :-(  We couldn't let him sit all night in pain and with his bad fracture there is no way the bones would have knitted back together again.  Thanks for all  your comments re kiddies becoming more independent, I have sat down with them today going through how they shouldn't talk to strangers etc.  It is hard to teach them that not everyone is nice in this world as we live in a lovely village but they must learn this. 


  1. Hi just thought I'd pop over and say hello and thank you for your comments on my blog, sorry it took me a bit of time to get back to you!
    I am now following! The eggs look fun for grown ups too!!!!

  2. Oh goodie gumdrops - a picture of you!!

    And those chubby little hands in the first photo...completely adorable.

    You all are BUSY; would you please homeschool my children for me?

  3. The eggs have turned out fab. Sorry to hear about the pigeon, hope the Sweetpeas weren't too upset.

  4. I just wanted to thank you for your lovely supportive comment about the loss of our cat Molly. Most people sadly have had the same thing happen so know just what it feels like. Feeling a mixture of angry and empty now, just glad it's the holidays and a bit of time away from it all.

    You did well getting such a tot to have a go at the eggs by the way.

    We had a dove in our garden who was in a dreadful state from a shotgun. Like you we had to act so Mr Bun got a spade to put it out of it's misery. Our chickens raced straight back into the henhouse when they saw him do it. Took them a while to go near him again.

    ENjoy the rest of the hols won't you.

    Lisa x

  5. awwww beautiful eggies! such great fun x
    lovely blog xxxx

  6. I love how the eggs turned out, cool craft.

    I hated when I had to give the stranger danger talk, they are so young and both times I found that it altered the way the interacted with people even when I was with them, left me feeling like I was stealing their innocence :(

    Give me the sex and drugs talk any day, way much easier.


Thank you for spending the time leaving a comment, it really does make me smile :-)