
Sunday, 5 August 2012

Creative Update ....

Well, I am off work ill today due a lovely virus, it not only made me sick but left me feeling like I had been hit by a cricket ball all over - lovely.   They always come just in time for the school hols these bugs don't they!    To make myself feel better I thought I would post a blog about my recent creativity :-)

Since learning to crochet and how to use my sewing machine I have had such a lovely creative journey.   I have made lots of new creative friends and really do feel a sense of calm when I can sit and create something I love.

Here are a few of my recent makes:

These elephants really do make me smile when I make them, I especially love creating them from vintage fabric.  The one right at the top of the blog is created in a lovely vintage Sanderson Pippa fabric (and she is mine ALL MINE :-)), I so wish I could find some more of that fabric, it was such a lovely fabric to work with.   I have worked out (with the help of a lovely creative friend) how to add names to ribbon which adds a lovely touch, it makes these elephants even more personal :-)

Since learning to crochet last year I have really enjoyed trying out different patterns.  Whilst on my last holiday I set about creating a rose, to my astonishment it worked!  I was so happy with the result and so surprised that I had worked out how to create it.  I turned them into rose brooches and made some leaves out of a felted green woolen scarf, the two textures and colours work so well together.  I also made the school teachers some crochet cup coasters as part of their leaving gifts from the children, I backed them with felt to make them feel sturdy.  In that photo you can also see a birdy created by the lovely Linen Cat and a gorgeous cup that I found in TK Maxx)

I recently created some cute little crochet flowers too, not sure what to do with them I decided to make them into a garland for little Sweetpea & middle Sweetpea's room.  I added some crochet leaves to each end of it - another crochet learning curve :-)    Of course there had to be some felt creations in my creative mix, I have been making some more of the popular rose hairbands and daisy clips (which are now my signature piece :-)).

oohhh I have made cakes too, crafting get togethers (well in fact, any get togethers) aren't as much without cakes being involved :-)

Now before I got I wanted to share with you a lovely, lovely, oh so lovely gift that arrived in the post for me a couple of months back.  The gorgeous creator of the MuffinPies dolls, Monique at Blueberries in the Fields sent me my very own MuffinPie!  How generous and sweet hearted she is, she knows I love her creations and after buying the children their own MuffinPies I longed that one day I would own my very own so I was so touched when Monique posted me one to live here.  She is settling in well with my retro elephant as you can see :-)  Thanks again you gorgeous person Monique xxxx

Take care
Zoe x